To inspire and support one another to flourish in all aspects of our lives.
To develop authentic love and compassion to cultivate continual growth toward enduring happiness, penetrating wisdom, and optimal well-being.
Our Story
Founded in 2016, the inspiration for a human flourishing center came following tragedy, as many beautiful creations do, and was inspired by the meaning of Eudaimonia.
A group of friends were all on life’s journey when, in a short period of time, they all experienced profound loss and personal, extreme physical health issues.
Through these struggles came a dream of how one could live their most flourishing selves. They realized it was more than addressing just physical health, but body, mind, and spirit, with the support of a community.
So what does “Eudaimonia” mean? Aristotle coined the term eudaimonia, which is best translated to mean “human flourishing” or the innate potential of each individual to live a life of enduring happiness, penetrating wisdom, optimal well-being, and authentic love and compassion.
What does physical activity have to do with a ministry? Our mission is to empower you with the ability to focus intently upon a high purpose. This type of focus is difficult for a weak, frail, and mortal body. We can increase your ability to focus by improving your fitness, strength, and movement. The Eudaimonia interfaith community does not care if you are a Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Mormon, Shintoist, Taoist, or Jedi; all spiritual traditions should have two imperatives; love and service. Improving your health will improve your ability to love and serve others, better and far longer.
If you haven’t yet connected with your internal divine spark to flourish, identified your higher purpose, or you have no intention of fitness being anything more than mundane, we believe that your awareness and concentration will compel you to love and serve those surrounding you better and in turn your entire community to flourish.
That dream became a reality through Eudaimonia, and continues to grow, transform, and rippling out into the community and beyond.
Eudaimonia is Private Ministrial Association
Eudaimonia is a Private Ministerial Association Based on a Faith in Nature and Nature’s God.
Definition of eudaimonia
Eudaimonia is a Greek word that literally means ‘having a good guardian spirit.’ In Greek mythology, Eudaimons were considered guardian spirits, bestowing protection and guidance to the ones they watched over.
To be eudaimon is to be spiritually successful, to have what is most desirable, to flourish. Aristotle used the term eudaimonia to mean the innate potential of everyone to live a life of enduring happiness, penetrating wisdom, optimal well-being, and authentic love and compassion. For short: ‘human flourishing.’
Aristotle further suggested that eudaimonia is best attained through an active lifestyle and continued cognitive development. This is how EUDAIMONIA MINISTRIES defines eudaimonia.
EUDAIMONIA MINISTRIES operates as a Private Ministerial Association/Interfaith-Based organization with all protections afforded by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the U.S. Constitution, The Constitutions of the several States, the Canadian Charter of Rights, and by law.